No home 2011 Collaboration

A tale of heartbreak, revenge and romance, Skipping Girl takes audiences on a journey through the dark and twisted mind of a fearless and destructive killer with only one objective in sight.

We witness the actions of our devastatingly seductive protagonist as she and her companion travel through the night over harsh, rural terrain. The fluorescent lights of the freeway, of the petrol station, of the world they are departing, wash over their faces as they make their way to their destination. Once there, our fierce assassin is able to finally carry out her master plan.

Chase Burns and SOSUME are proud to bring you, "Skipping Girl".


Director/ Writer: Chase Burns
Styling: Sam Sidney
Assistants: Dylan "Duncan" Teuma and Amy Toohey
Cast: Rhia T and Jake S (GIANT)
Make up: Helena (INIKA)

Film shot on the Nikon D7000

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